thINc360 – The Healthcare Innovation Congress
June 20 – 22, 2023 | Washington, DC

Fast Five with Neal Lemon, PhD, Cooper Innovation Center, Cooper University Health Care

What challenges or gaps in care are you focused on?

Focus on transition of care issues (in-patient/outpatient, justice involved, addiction services, mental health etc.)

What initiatives are you currently spearheading to improve health?

  • Project to expand research and patient service covering alternative neuromodulation treatments for pain, addiction and mental health
  • Project to host hackathon to generate grassroots tech to address SDOH
  • Multiple internal and external innovation projects for different health technologies.
  • Training the next generation of health entrepreneurs through the Cooper Innovation Fellows program

What necessary collaborations/partnerships have you established within and/or outside of your organization in developing your initiatives?

Too many to name. Some key ones are with the NJHF/FVCG, ONC, Microsoft, Digicare Realized, NJII, Owkin

What is your measurement criteria for success/or current measurable improvements have you realized from the initiative?

Multiple: improvements in patient care, revenue through sponsored research, inventions, patents, licenses, startup activity

What gives your hope for the future in health care?

Technological progress, potential over time for an increase in humanity

Neal Lemon, PhD
Executive Director
Cooper Innovation Center, Cooper University Health Care